C program to perform Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

C program to perform basic arithmetic operations which are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers. Numbers are assumed to be integers and will be entered by the user.

C programming code

int main()
   int first, second, add, subtract, multiply;
   float divide;
   printf("Enter two integers\n");
   scanf("%d%d", &first, &second);
   add        = first + second;
   subtract = first - second;
   multiply = first * second;
   divide     = first / (float)second;   //typecasting
   printf("Sum = %d\n",add);
   printf("Difference = %d\n",subtract);
   printf("Multiplication = %d\n",multiply);
   printf("Division = %.2f\n",divide);
   return 0;

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